Privacy Statement

1. General
Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund N.V., hereafter Bouwinvest, rents and manages offices in the four large cities in the Netherlands.
Should you visit our website or websites and/or show interest in an office through our website or websites, we will process the data required.
Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors B.V. is the controller responsible for the processing of your data via our website. Bouwinvest is located at 1043 DG Amsterdam on the De La Guardiaweg 4.
We consider it important to inform you of how we handle the data collected and what we use it for. We will also inform you of your rights to this end in this statement.
Bouwinvest upholds a strict privacy policy. Your data is handled with the greatest possible care and security, in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

2. When does this privacy statement apply?
This privacy statement applies to all data collected and processed by Bouwinvest if you visit our website or websites and/or show interest in a commercial space and/or apply for a commercial space through our website or websites.
3. Explanation and structure of this privacy statement
We describe for each purpose the data that Bouwinvest processes if you visit our website or websites.
4. What details do we process and why?
4.1 Functionality of the website and personalized information on the website.
To offer visitors/users of our website or websites the best user experience, we process data.
The processing of data for this purpose is needed in the legitimate interests of Bouwinvest.
We also want to be as relevant for you as possible and try to adapt the website according to your preferences. We can do this, if you give us permission, by placing cookies.
We use functional, analytical and tracking cookies on the website. Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website. Cookies on our website are used to give you an optimal user experience. For example, you do not need to keep filling in the same information and can navigate through the website more easily.
We analyze your details so that we can place information and advertisements on our website and external websites such as social media platforms that better match your personal interests and preferences.
Bouwinvest also uses analytical cookies to analyze the use of the website and to improve the website. We use Google Analytics for this purpose. The information obtained, including the IP address of your device, is stored by Google in the United States. For more information, read Google’s privacy statement and, specifically, the privacy statement of Google Analytics.

You need to give your permission for the use of cookies. A standard statement appears when you visit the website. By clicking the button in the statement, you give permission for the use of the cookies.
The website may not always work well if you do not give permission.
Personal data
The data that we process to this end are: the IP address of your device; the web pages visited; the click and click-through behavior; the internet browser used; and the duration and time of the visit. These data are passed to our estate agents or managers.
4.2 Registering on the website
Registering on the website to request a brochure, contact, viewing or appointment.
Upon the request of a rental brochure, Bouwinvest may contact the applicant on the grounds of legitimate interests.
Personal details
The data that we process for this purpose are: company name, contact person, telephone number and email address.
In principle, the company name is not considered as data. The details of the contact person, the telephone number and email address that can be traced to a person are considered data.

4.3 Newsletters, alerts and special offers
We would be pleased to send electronic newsletters and special offers to keep you up to date about our projects. We will only do this with your permission.
You can always unsubscribe from newsletters and special offers using the unsubscribe button.
The purpose of processing your details is related to customer relations and marketing.
Personal details
The data that we process for this purpose are: email address.

4.5 Trend analysis
Bouwinvest carries out research into trends in the market using statistical analysis. Unless you have given us permission in advance, we will not use the research results for marketing and sales activities targeted specifically at you. The results of these analyses are exclusively used on an aggregated basis. This means that the results cannot be traced to individual clients in any way.
Personal details
The data that we process for this purpose are: duration of visit; pages visited; device used; interest in projects/offices; cross-selling information; and funnel analysis.

5. Sharing data with third parties
Bouwinvest engages third parties (such as hosting services, CRM supplier, estate agents, real estate property managers and automation service providers) to execute its services. Insofar as these third parties process your data in executing the relevant services and activities, Bouwinvest takes the required contractual, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your data are only processed where necessary to carry out this work. In all cases, these third parties will only process your data in compliance with the relevant legislation and regulations.
Only when Bouwinvest is legally required to do so, will data be shared with fiscal authorities, investigative services such as the police or the Public Prosecution Service, or watchdog bodies such as the De Nederlandsche Bank, The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets and the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

6. Security
Bouwinvest handles your data with great care. Bouwinvest has taken sufficient technical and organizational measures to secure your data from loss or illegitimate processing. Actions taken include establishing a secure information policy, training of staff and secure servers.
Your data is only accessible to employees who need your data in performing their work.

7. Your rights and questions
You have the right to request Bouwinvest for access, correction, addition, removal or blocking of your data.
Requests for access, correction, addition, removal or blocking of your data can be sent by email at any time to:
[email protected]
Or by post to:
Bouwinvest Office Fund
P.O. Box 56045
1040 AA Amsterdam
For any complaints about processing personal data, you can approach both us and the Dutch Data Protection Agency.

8. Retention period
Personal data is not stored longer than required for the purpose of processing. The retention period depends on the purpose for which we process the data and the relevant legal obligations.

9. Amendments to the privacy statement
Bouwinvest’s privacy statement may be amended if we intend to change the use of your data or if circumstances cause us to do this. The most current version of the privacy statement is always available on our website. In addition, should you have access to ‘My community’, any updated privacy statements will be sent there.
We recommend checking the privacy statement regularly so that you are always informed of any changes.

Date last modification: 23 May 2018